Ratnangshu Das and Pushpak Jagtap.
Spatiotemporal Tubes for Reach-Avoid-Stay Specifications
Omid Akbarzadeh and Abolfazl Lavaei.
Safety Certificates of Stochastic Cyber-Physical Systems with Wireless Communication Networks
Ben Wooding and Abolfazl Lavaei.
IMPaCT: A Parallelized Software Tool for IMDP Construction and Controller Synthesis with Convergence Guarantees
Sebastian Schirmer, Jasdeep Singh, Emily Jensen, Johann C. Dauer, Bernd Finkbeiner and Sriram Sankaranarayanan.
Temporal Behavior Trees — Segmentation
Jun Liu, Yiming Meng and Ruikun Zhou.
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Stability Analysis and Control with Formal Guarantees
Severin Bals, Alexandros Evangelidis, Jan Kretinsky and Jakob Waibel.
MULTIGAIN 2.0: MDP Controller Synthesis for Multiple Mean-payoff, LTL and Steady-state Constraints