HSCC 2023 | San Antonio, TX |
HSCC 2022 | Milano |
HSCC 2021 | Nashville |
HSCC 2020 | Syndey |
HSCC 2019 | Montreal |
HSCC 2018 | Porto |
HSCC 2017 | Pittsburgh, PA |
HSCC 2016 | Viena |
HSCC 2015 | Seattle, WA |
HSCC 2014 | Berlin |
HSCC 2013 | Philadelphia, PA |
HSCC 2012 | Beijing |
HSCC 2011 | Chicago, IL |
HSCC 2010 | Stockholm |
HSCC 2009 | San Francisco, CA |
HSCC 2008 | St. Louis, MI |
Proceedings of past HSCC conferences are available through Springer-Verlag and the ACM Press. Past proceedings of HSCC are indexed on-line through the computer science publication database (DBLP).
Test-of-time Award Winners
- 2023: Goran Frehse. PHAVer: Algorithmic Verification of Hybrid Systems Past HyTech
- 2022: Alberto Bemporad, Francesco Borrelli and Manfred Morari. On the Optimal Control Law for Linear Discrete Time Hybrid Systems. HSCC 2002.
- 2021: Stephen Prajna and Ali Jadbabaie. Safety verification of hybrid systems using barrier certificates. HSCC 2004.
- 2020: Ricardo Sanfelice, Rafal Goebel, and Andrew Teel. A feedback control motivation for generalized solutions to hybrid systems. HSCC 2006.
- 2019: Thao Dang and Oded Maler. Reachability analysis via face lifting. HSCC 1998.
- 2018: Antoine Girard. Reachability of uncertain linear systems using zonotopes. HSCC 2005.
Recent HSCC Best Paper (BP) and Best Student Paper (BSP) Award Winners
- 2023: (BP) Ibón Gracia Merino, Dimitris Boskos, Luca Laurenti and Manuel Mazo Jr. Distributionally Robust Strategy Synthesis for Switched Stochastic Systems
- 2022: (BP) Yong Kiam Tan, Stefan Mitsch and André Platzer. Verifying Switched System Stability With Logic.
- 2021: (BP) Nathan Hunt, Nathan Fulton, Sara Magliacane, Nghia Hoang, Subhro Das and Armando Solar-Lezama. Verifiably Safe Exploration for End-to-End Reinforcement Learning.
- 2020: (BP) Guillaume Berger and Raphaël Jungers. Worst-case topological entropy and minimal data rate for state observation of switched linear systems.
- 2019: (BP) Guosong Yang, Joao Hespanha and Daniel Liberzon. On topological entropy and stability of switched linear systems.
- 2018: (BP) Daniel Gburek and Christel Baier. Bisimulations, logics, and trace distributions for stochastic systems with rewards.
- 2017: (BSP) Abraham Vinod, Baisravan Homchaudhuri and Meeko Oishi. Forward stochastic reachability analysis for uncontrolled linear systems using Fourier transforms.
- 2016: (BSP) Aditya Zutshi, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh and Xiaoqing Jin. Symbolic-Numeric Reachability Analysis of Closed-Loop Control Software.
- 2015: (BSP) Sam Coogan, Murat Arcak. Efficient finite abstraction of mixed monotone systems.
- 2014: (BSP) Ayonga Hereid, Shishir Kolathaya, Mikhail S. Jones, Johnathan Van Why, Jonathan W. Hurst, and Aaron D. Ames. Dynamic multi-domain bipedal walking with atrias through slip based human-inspired control.
- 2013: (BP) Michael Posa, Mark Tobenkin, and Russ Tedrake. Lyapunov analysis of rigid body systems with impacts and friction via sums-of-squares.
- 2013: (BSP) Hongfei Fu. Approximating acceptance probabilities of CTMC-paths on multi-clock deterministic timed automata.
- 2012: (BP) Rajeev Alur, Ashutosh Trivedi,and Dominik Wojtczak. Optimal Scheduling for Constant-Rate Multi-Mode System.